The excitement continues…For my upcoming She Vanishes recording. The cardboard CD packaging I asked for is good for the environment but takes longer to process. The packaged discs are promised by Feb 1st. Early availablility in Great Barrington. MA only.
Be sure to contact me after Jan 31st to be one of the first to purchase the new disc. This recording won’t be physically available on iTunes, my cart, Amazon, CD Baby for a few weeks later. You can find the digital downloads first on my website via OM. Later on the major sites.
It’s such a long process to get this whole recording finished. Over the years I seem to forget that the details are almost endless.
Kind of like having children-After a while you forget all the work involved and just enjoy them. This will be my 5th recording made between 1990-2011- 21years. A couple cassettes were made in the late 1980s. My body of work. Hope you enjoy the music!
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